Female Ejaculation |
Amrita meaning nectar of the goddess. A liquid most treasured and revered in ancient Tantric literature. What exactly does it mean? Even modern medicine isnt exactly sure, much less in agreement. There is a good deal of mythology surrounding the biological reality of what has been only recently termed as female ejaculation.
The primary source of much erroneous information about the nature of female ejaculation seems to be attributable to those who seek to sensationalize and exploit this relatively unexplored phenomenon, while others have been overly gullible in accepting purely anecdotal evidence. It''s widely believed that there is a female counterpart to the male prostate; technically known as Skenes glands. Just as the male prostate, the ducts from these glands empty into the urethral canal. The liquid produced by the Skenes glands is not urine, but a thin clear fluid containing glucose and prostatic acid. This chemical makeup is much more similar to semen (without sperm), than it is to urine. During sexual arousal the Skenes glands may be stimulated in a way as to release secretions into the urethral canal. These secretions are ultimately expelled through the urethral opening (just as in male ejaculation). This fluid "release" is entirely unrelated to vaginal secretions, whos primary, but not exclusive purpose is the lubrication of the vagina. While there have been numerous claims of vast quantities of liquid expelled during ejaculation, all fail to offer a biologically compelling explanation as to the source, or reservoir used to store or produce such copious supplies of juices. Skenes glands are smaller in size than the male prostate, and it would only seem logical to assume that the amount of ejaculate would be commensurate. Regardless of the true quantity, it is a fact, that it is possible for some women to expel (or ejaculate) prostatic fluid. Where is this mysterious gland? The Skenes gland is embedded in the wall of the urethra, and can be indirectly felt through the upper vaginal wall, 2- 3 [see diagram] from the entrance of the vagina. Using the pads of one or more fingers, it can best be identified as area of ridges. The center of this ridged surface, about the size of a dime to half dollar, is known as the Graffenberg spot or G-spot. In some women this may be more noticeable than others, particularly when in an un-aroused state. During arousal the G-spot (which is made of erectile tissue) fills with blood and swells to 2-3 times its normal size. After arousal it is usually more easily identified and stimulated. Not all women are sensitive to stimulation or find it pleasurable. Since indirect pressure is applied to the bladder, some woman will feel the sensation to urinate. Breaking this psychological barrier makes it possible for some women to expel prostatic fluid, as a direct result of simultaneous stimulation of the G-spot and muscle contractions surrounding the urethra. For a woman seeking to stimulate this area on her own, it would be advisable to do so in a squatting position. The theory being that humans having evolved from quadrupeds, a females sexual organs are biologically better designed for entry from the rear Unlike the currently widely accepted missionary position (face to face), rear entry has the advantage of exerting more direct pressure and stimulation onto the G-spot, by the penis. Secondly there is a greater chance of outward ejaculation (by the female), since the urethral canal is not compressed in a way as to inhibit the flow of fluid out of the urethral opening. Although the ability of the female to ejaculate depends on a number of factors, it must be recognized that it is not for everyone. Just as many men are not receptive to prostate stimulation, many women are not sensitive to, or do not necessarily enjoy G-spot stimulation. For those who desire to pursue the experience, the following points should be considered as essential for success. Locating the G-spot [see illustration) The ability to derive pleasurable sensations from G-spot massage. Overcoming the fear of urinating, during arousal and G-spot stimulation. Emptying the bladder immediately prior to experience, since most women fear that they will urinate as soon as they relax their PC muscles. This will allow the woman to relax (or let go) and ejaculate. Assure that the urethral tract not unduly pressured; compressing the urethra may result in the emptying of ejaculate directly into the bladder (as opposed to the urethral opening). |